یکی از بسیاری از سرورهای مستقل ماستودون است که می توانید از آن برای شرکت در fediverse استفاده کنید.
با دوستان خود گفتگو کنید و دوستان تازه بیابید. عکس، ویدیو، و نوشته‌های خود را به اشتراک بگذارید. پرسادون بخشی از شبکهٔ اجتماعی ماستودون است و می‌خواهد محیطی ایمن و پایدار برای کاربران فارسی‌زبان باشد.

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۰ فرسته۰ مشارکت کننده۰ فرسته امروز

I'm posting about Teochew & Vietnamese revolutionaries this week. I wasn't taught anything about the heroes & heroines from both of my cultural backgrounds because I grew up in Canada, with white colonial education. My mind was heavily colonized by that. I started the decolonization of my mind journey in the 90s & am going to be doing it for rest of my life because the colonial programming runs deep.

I want people to learn more about the brave #Chinese & #Vietnamese people who took many risks & sacrificed a lot for their peoples. I want people to learn that my peoples & our ancestors, from both my backgrounds, weren't uneducated savages & we didn't need to be controlled by colonizers or imperialists. Many of our ancestors & their comrades were strong revolutionaries, who were very intelligent, dignified & courageous.

“It’s like we’ve become the robots.”

Call centers in the Philippines are using artificial intelligence to aid and monitor workers.

They say the tech makes them efficient. But it listens to every call to spot errors, long call times or less-than-satisfied customers, and scores workers accordingly. Their workloads have also increased.

From @restofworld:

Rest of World · AI is making Philippine call center work more efficient, for better and worseBPO workers say AI tools are monitoring their calls, assisting them with customers, and scoring their performance.

[ #CantoneseCuisine has countless types of #noodles that use various ingredients and techniques. The noodle-eating culture in #HongKong, which historically has been part of the #Guangdong region, is heavily influenced by #Cantonese #cuisine. In this episode of #EatDrinkAsia, #SouthChinaPost reporter Lisa Cam visits #chefs and #NoodleMakers in the city to learn about the various types of noodles for different dishes. She also looks at how local businesses are preserving traditional noodle-making techniques while also coming up with new creations.]

Mom says all the dead kids in Palestine remind her too much of dead Vietnamese kids' bodies she helped to remove from Saigon streets, for over a decade during #USInvasion #WarOnVietnam. There's no true US heroes who went to Vietnam to #MassMurder our peoples. There was only clueless soldiers sent to kill us. Some soldiers repented a lot since. They turned against the government. They stopped believing war was an answer. They stopped calling themselves, heroes.

You are not a hero of any sort if you are still OK with the fact that USA shouldn't have tried to mass murder us. You are not fully against fascism, if you do not understand that war children who grew up, won't ever forgive your country for killing almost all of our family members.

رشتهٔ دنباله دار

I speak about similarities on dehumanization of us/Palestinians. I talk about using us/Palestinians as involuntary experiments with biochemical warfare - using munitions & toxins on us.

I talk about how my family overseas continue to suffer, decades later, from toxic biochemical damages. Agent Orange has now affected more than 4 generations & USA hasn't paid reparations. Thousands of US war munitions are still killing our peoples, to this day!

Please boost. Thanks, in advance ❤️🙌❤️

For those new to following me here, here's the #speech I delivered in #solidarity with #Gaza #Palestine in #VictoriaBC #VancouverIsland in front of #BCgovernment legislature buildings

I call out the #farce of self declared true #democratic states in my speech & how our #governments tell us there ain't enough funds to help citizens but they can find billions to fund #EthnicCleansing of Palestinians.

Etiquette question for #BlackMastodon, #AsianMastodon, #BIPOC folks (white people, reply but please don’t vote):

When white people conspicuously avoid mentioning race in physically describing or identifying someone (“the tall man in the blue shirt,” not, “the one Black man in the room”),

Is this:

1) courteous and respectful: don’t emphasize race when you don’t need to;

2) awkward and annoying: you’re not fooling anyone by pretending you don’t see color;

3) or more complicated than that?