یکی از بسیاری از سرورهای مستقل ماستودون است که می توانید از آن برای شرکت در fediverse استفاده کنید.
با دوستان خود گفتگو کنید و دوستان تازه بیابید. عکس، ویدیو، و نوشته‌های خود را به اشتراک بگذارید. پرسادون بخشی از شبکهٔ اجتماعی ماستودون است و می‌خواهد محیطی ایمن و پایدار برای کاربران فارسی‌زبان باشد.

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۲ فرسته۲ مشارکت کننده۰ فرسته امروز

Still can't seem to be able to do #Instagram imports. This time I'm trying a test to do a single image import and so far nothing. As I've seen others mentioned “webp" as the issue, I can confirm that all of my images are indeed “.jpg” files and the “posts_1.json" also reflects that 😕

Support emails have also gone unanswered. I'm not trying to be annoying. I just wanna get my posts moved. I can't be the only human who wants to do this. 🥺

@dansup @pixelfed

به pixelfed پاسخ داد

Worked well for me.

After Import I was disappointed on seeing that the posts did not show up in my Profile.

However, when I went back to Import to check I saw a message that 67 posts were waiting to be processed.

Half an hour or so later the message had changed to Imported Posts with a button to Review Posts, and then the posts also showed up in my profile.

Thanx a million.

I will now delete my Instagram account.

We are making good progress with refactoring Instagram Import to support archives of any age.

The reason we had to temporarily disable it is because Instagram has been purposely changing the schema of exports to make it more difficult for us to process.

We are leveraging some clever techniques to determine the schema for every archive, and look forward to shipping this early next week!

81,7 Terabyte geklaute #Bücher von Piraterie-Seiten per Torrent runtergeladen, um Metas #KI zu trainieren. Auf Anweisung von #Zuckerberg persönlich. Ich sehe absolut keinen Grund, warum Autor:innen sich noch auf #Facebook, #Instagram oder #WhatsApp rumtreiben sollten. Und vor allem sehe ich keinen Grund, warum sie es auch noch verteidigen sollten. Aber was tippe ich mir die Finger fusselig? Jaja, ich weiß: #MythosReichweite

در رشته پاسخ داده

In this recent communication, SWICG leadership discuss forming a task force to "approach and facilitate [AI] Avatars and Agents" in ActivityPub, and discuss topics such as "using AI for content filtering" and "for algorithmic feed reading":

These are the people in charge of the ActivityPub specification, and this discourse is occurring in the
context of the chartering of a new working group to oversee the development of AP2. This is where the protocol is going next. Meta is right in the middle of it.

This is why it's critical to lend support and solidarity to protocol projects pointing beyond ActivityPub like @spritely and @VeilidNetwork , as well as the developers of emerging progressive fediverse services which refuse to align with the Social Web Foundation. And it's why we @FediPact advocates and agitators should continue to ring this bell - and zero in on those among us who are selling out the fediverse to a fascist intruder.

🧵 4/4 end

lists.w3.orgRe: SocialWeb CG Feb 7, 2025 call - possible agenda item from Evan Prodromou on 2025-02-07 ( from February 2025)
در رشته پاسخ داده

It is completely unacceptable, in this moment, for Meta to have the slightest presence in or influence on this network. @jat23 , in their paper on the FediPact movement ( ), refers to the praxis of "Strategic Closure". Fair and good, but this is a necessarily defensive response. We would argue that it is time for a complimentary offensive opposition. It may not be sufficient to merely batten down the hatches while a corporation with near-totalitarian reach and explicitly fascist intent insinuates itself into the development processes of the protocol underlying the fediverse.

The leadership of the W3C SWICG ActivityPub working group - and by extension, of the Social Web Foundation, their gambit to privatize and de-democratize the evolution of the protocol - have discredited themselves by colluding with the Zuckerberg entity and accepting its bribes. They do not deserve the trust of the communities and developers of the fedi. They have proven themselves incapable of responsibly wielding the power to shape the future of the fediverse they claim for themselves.

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رشتهٔ دنباله دار

There is now a notable influx into the fedi of folks trying to escape the Meta networks, both occurring organically and due to the Pixelfed boom and efforts like #GlobalSwitchDay (and not at all, btw, because of the Threads bridge). But does this network really offer them that refuge?

Meta's own terms indicate that they are ingesting the profile data of every account behind every toot that crosses the bridge. That means that new users may be showing up here from FB or IG, setting up profiles with details that match those of their old Meta accounts, then replying to Threads posts unaware that they are still being surveilled by Meta, and that their presence and activities here could be compiled into their identity dossiers back there. The fedi is already serving as a surveillance vector.

Meta was always an abhorrent monstrosity; but with the recent turn, it has now directly telegraphed itself as a Trumpist organ. It is an explicitly fascist entity colluding with a fascist regime. And anyone who is collaborating with Meta in the fedi and enabling their ability to exercise power here needs also to be understood accordingly.

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