یکی از بسیاری از سرورهای مستقل ماستودون است که می توانید از آن برای شرکت در fediverse استفاده کنید.
با دوستان خود گفتگو کنید و دوستان تازه بیابید. عکس، ویدیو، و نوشته‌های خود را به اشتراک بگذارید. پرسادون بخشی از شبکهٔ اجتماعی ماستودون است و می‌خواهد محیطی ایمن و پایدار برای کاربران فارسی‌زبان باشد.

به مدیریت:

آمار کارساز:

کاربر فعّال


۶ فرسته۵ مشارکت کننده۰ فرسته امروز


When you have the press and civil society camped outside the courtroom, the secret might be out 🤷

Even so, we’re still denied the reasons why the UK government wants to take a battering ram to our security and privacy.

It shows contempt for the public interest in the Apple encryption case.

Press Gazette · Press shut out of Home Office’s Snoopers’ Charter Apple encryption tribunalUK news organisations unsuccessfully waited all Friday to argue a secret Apple encryption appeal against the Govt must be heard in public.

"Google refuses to deny it received encryption order from UK government"

The UK’s encryption-breaking order for a backdoor into iCloud isn’t a one-off.

The secret hearing happening RIGHT NOW is bigger than just Apple. If the government wins, our right to privacy and security falls.

Other services will be hit.

Sign our petition ➡️

therecord.mediaGoogle refuses to deny it received encryption order from UK governmentU.S. lawmakers say Google has refused to deny that it received a Technical Capability Notice from the U.K. — a mechanism to access encrypted messages that Apple reportedly received.

first Apple, now Google possibly getting TCN from UK gov't? this is completely mental if true.

they're only makes things worse with this shit, and not just for its citizens: other govt's will take notice of such tactics and may begin using it.

with this & Online Safety Act mess, UK giv't is genuinely wrecking any online freedom

IOC.exchangeMatthew Green ( I am getting the distinct feeling that Google (in addition to Apple) got a Technical Capability Notice from the U.K.

@cryptpad une suite collaborative chiffrée de bout en bout et open-source

Avec une doc très complète,

Des instances :

Un forum pour trouver de l'aide :

@cryptpad an end-to-end encrypted and open-source collaborative suite

With very comprehensive documentation,


A forum to find help:

Whisper it, the showdown over Apple encryption is THIS WEEK ⏱️

🤐 A secret tribunal will hear the appeal against the UK government’s order to carve a backdoor into Apple’s encrypted services.

🛑 Our cybersecurity and privacy shouldn’t be decided in the shadows. · Secret London tribunal to hear appeal in Apple vs government battle over encryptionاز Bill Goodwin
رشتهٔ دنباله دار

❌ No safe message scanning technology exists.

⚠️ These powers would force a cybersecurity weakness onto apps like WhatsApp and Signal.

‼️ Hackers, predators and spies could crowbar their way into everything you send.

✍️ Tell Ofcom: End-to-end Encryption Means Online Safety ➡️

⏰ CLOSES Monday 10 March at 5pm.

#PracticeSafeText 💬


Apple is taking the unprecedented step of removing its highest-level data security tool from customers in the UK after the government demanded access to user data.

So from now on, data is accessible by Apple and shareable with law enforcement, if they have a warrant.

#apple #uk #london #security #encryption

Apple's logo shown on its glass store front in New York.
BBC NewsApple pulls data protection tool after UK government security rowCustomers' photos and documents stored online will no longer be protected by end-to-end encryption.

New Privacy Guides article👇
by me:

What happened in the UK this week is terrible news and a loud warning alarm for the rest of the world.

Governments around the world have been increasingly putting pressure on tech companies to break end-to-end encryption and install mass surveillance systems.

We must push back against this.

Encryption is not a crime.
Encryption keeps us safe 🔐


CryptoRave is an annual event held in São Paulo and centered on encryption, privacy and free software. They are raising funds for the 2025 edition, are 100% independently funded and do not accept corporate sponsors.

Check out their website for how you can contribute, learn more or get in touch:

In their own words, the event is "inspired by the decentralized global action to disseminate and democratize knowledge and basic concepts of cryptography and free software".

Please boost!

2025.cryptorave.orgCryptoRave 2025Check the schedule!

🚨 **Privacy Alert: The New French Surveillance Law** 🚨

The proposed law not only targets drug trafficking but also poses a significant threat to the very foundation of our digital privacy. By mandating "backdoors" in encrypted messaging apps like Signal and WhatsApp, this legislation compromises the security of all users. This sets a dangerous precedent that could lead to widespread surveillance and abuse.

🔍 **Why It Matters**: Encryption is essential for safeguarding our personal communications from prying eyes, including those of malicious actors. If the government can access our messages, so can hackers.

📢 **Take Action**: Join the fight against this invasive law! If you are a French national or resident, contact your representatives and demand they prioritize our digital rights. 📚 For more information, including how to find and contact your local representative, visit the French article: [La Quadrature du Net](

La Quadrature du NetContre la loi surveillance et narcotraficotageAu milieu du tumulte médiatique sur le trafic de drogues, une loi relative au « narcotrafic » est en train de passer au Parlement. En réalité, ce texte ne s'applique pas seulement à la vente de stupéfiants et conduit à renforcer lourdement les capacités de surveillance du renseignement et de la poli