Auch wenn es mich selbst schon nervt, ich muss euch nochmal belaestigen...
Ich suche ab sofort einen neuen Job als #iOS und/oder #macOS Software-Entwickler. Ich hab viele Jahre Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet, kenne #ObjectiveC, #Swift, #SwiftUI, #Git, #Xcode und... naja, die ganze Toolchain drumherum eben.
Ich suche eine Remote-Only Festanstellung, keinen Freelance-Job (Vorzugsweise in Österreich, Deutschland geht aber auch). Wenn es in der Naehe von #Bregenz oder #Dornbirn ist, dann auch gerne Onsite.
Wenn ihr jemanden kennt, der jemanden kennt... ihr wisst schon.
Ich danke euch fuers rege Teilen/Boosten.
Hi everyone, GitNex 8.0.0 is now out with numerous new features and UI refinements.
- User activity heatmap on the profile
- Dependencies for issues and prs
- Tracked time for issues and prs
- Search within files
- Filter issues by labels
- Filter issues where I am mentioned
- and more...
It's time to update!
Release notes:
Source code editor Zed talks directly to Git
The source code editor Zed, written in Rust, now offers a view for managing commits.
I wonder if The Donald will make an executive order making people use only the master branch, and not main #git #softwaredevelopment
A free 2x performance speedup has now landed in #gitg nightly for every time you click a branch (or any type of ref) in the sidebar
Thanks to @GeopJr for creating the fix, and to @albfan for reviewing & merging it!
I want to start a multi lingual blog with #hugo. But the problem's that I'm not the only one writing there. There are other people who are not techy. And I'm afraid working with #git and writing in a #markdown editor won't be easy or straightforward for them.
Do you have suggestions? By the way, one of the languages is #Persian so we need #RTL support.
GitLab CFO, Brian Robins, says they are “aligned with the goals of DOGE, because the company’s software tools aim to help people do more with less. What the Department of Government Efficiency is trying to do is what GitLab does.”
You either support fascism or you don’t. It’s binary. There’s no gray area or “aligning.”
Considering GitLab? Don’t. Use @Codeberg.
(Hat tip @aphyr)
More security for GitHub and GitLab – New packages and functions
GitHub and GitLab deliver new features to increase the security of their directory services.
Gitea v1.23.5 Released:
#linux #foss #release #git #gitea #selfhosted
Security vulnerabilities in Gitlab reported via bug bounty program closed
Attackers can target several vulnerabilities in Gitlab Community Edition and Enterprise Edition.
Thought I'd do a small tech/infra blog post at the end of the month.
See you all in March.
#blog #writingmonth #git #cgit #infra
GitLab 17.9 allows self-hosting for AI assistants GitLab Duo Chat
With GitLab Duo Self-Hosted, LLMs can now be hosted on-premises or in a private cloud – for higher data protection.
I'm really looking forward to running this "Git and GitHub for R Users" workshop for R-Ladies St Louis!
April 23rd 2025
11am CST / 5pm BST
Today on #SystemCrafters Live, we'll take a look at `jj` (Jujutsu), an interesting distributed version control system that intends to be more user-friendly than Git while having even more advanced features.
Can `jj` be a good replacement for Git in the long term? Let's find out!
Join us here:
in your time zone:
I just wanted to say a huge thanks to all the @Codeberg folks. They are doing an astonishing work today against the attack they are under.
Codeberg's works is essential, especially during this time particularly troubled times.