یکی از بسیاری از سرورهای مستقل ماستودون است که می توانید از آن برای شرکت در fediverse استفاده کنید.
با دوستان خود گفتگو کنید و دوستان تازه بیابید. عکس، ویدیو، و نوشته‌های خود را به اشتراک بگذارید. پرسادون بخشی از شبکهٔ اجتماعی ماستودون است و می‌خواهد محیطی ایمن و پایدار برای کاربران فارسی‌زبان باشد.

به مدیریت:

آمار کارساز:

کاربر فعّال


۲ فرسته۲ مشارکت کننده۰ فرسته امروز
Trump’s pick to head Medicare and Medicaid, Dr. Oz, is a celebrity who built his career on selling fake cures to the public.

His plot to privatize Medicare will rob seniors and disabled people and turn the vital lifeline into a source of private profit.

Rather than letting private insurance corporations take over through the “Medicare Advantage” scam, we should abolish the parasitic insurance companies once and for all.

A single, national system that covers 100% of the cost of all procedures should take their place!

#psl #partyforsocialismandliberation #capitalism #healthcare #donaldtrump #USPolitics #usa #us
در رشته پاسخ داده


"The Resistance doesn’t seem to run through the Democratic Party right now."

The #DemocraticParty is asleep

The leadership of the #DNC has checked out

The senile old white men of the Democratic party have opened their Golden Parachutes and are softly descending downward to the Golden Years of their retirements

Nothing will touch their world-class #HealthCare, their lifetime #Pensions, their #NetWorth

They've got everything they need

They've checked out, leaving the United States holding the bag

The Workers Strike Back demands:

1. Workers Need a Real Raise — $25/Hour Minimum Wage

2. Good Union Jobs for All

3. Fight Racism, Sexism & All Oppression

4. Quality Affordable Housing & Free Healthcare for All

5. End the Genocidal War on Gaza — No Military Aid, No Occupation

6. No More Sellouts — We Need a New Party

Workers Strike BackWorkers Strike Back
رشتهٔ دنباله دار

"As President Donald Trump and unelected billionaire Elon Musk continue to gut life-saving government programs, one cut that garnered attention this week was the dismissal of one-tenth of workers at the National Institutes of Health’s Center for Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias."

~ Brian Kaylor

#Musk #Trump #economy #TaxCuts #billionaires #SuperRich #EconomicElites #Alzheimers #healthcare #research #elderly

A Public Witness · Weekly Roundup: Feb. 21از Word&Way

Saturday (yesterday), just another February

⚕️Rapid Serotonin Shock Syndrome ⚕️

* 16:00,0: recovery from NoroV ongoing
* 16:30,0: proximal awareness shifts to five meter spherical
* 16:30,30: ocular signals go dark
* 16:30,32: ocular signals return with cross-chiasmic jitter + non-rhythmic phase-shift
* 16:32,0: rhythmic visual blur/focus in-line with cerebral alpha-waves
* 16:36,0: perception of time now slow-frame-rate, visual tracers/long-tail, tactile sensory-processing latency increase
* 16:38,0: awareness of intense fever, head + upper torso rapid profuse sweating, tremor amplification
* 16:38,30: whole body shivering, unable to tell if sweat is hot or cold, temperature
* 16:39,0: hypoglycemia begins
* 16:39,30: ingest neuro-mitigation Rx + insulin + glucose + somatropin + ice cream
* 16:40,0: lay down, wrapped in light blanket, instant blackness returned to the void
* 22:22,0: awoken externally, liquids + light calories, move to bed
* 01:44,0: awoken by autonomic distress.. here come the Rx, aversion to sleep - reminds me of the coma
* 05:08,0: stop reading research on neuro-cognitive and neuro-pharmacology topics of interest. attempt sleep.

#medical #minorEmergency #serotonin #dopamine #brain #neurology #neurotransmitters #norovirus
#brain #healthcare #saturday #sunday #morning

What a $2 Million Per Dose Gene Therapy Reveals About Drug Pricing

Taxpayers and charities helped develop Zolgensma. Then it debuted at a record price, ushering in a new class of wildly expensive drugs. Its story upends the widely held conception that high prices reflect huge industry investments in innovation.

ProPublicaWhat a $2 Million Per Dose Gene Therapy Reveals About Drug Pricing
بیش‌تر از ProPublica
در رشته پاسخ داده

All #Obama did was regurgitate speeches that made people feel comfy & happy while not looking at the real shit he's done by getting us into more wars in the #MiddleEast and implement a #rightwing #healthcare plane by fucking #RonaldReagan think tanks!

Most of Trump's plans are inactionable. If he did is plan of #Palestine, most of you #Liberals & everyone in #America will find out what a real backlash is from the rest of the world!

در رشته پاسخ داده

#DonaldTrump is just giving lead with this rhetoric, which in all honesty is all rhetoric! #Words aren't #Action, they are merely words.

No fucking wonder #Liberals kept floating that #BarackObama is great & the most #Progressive President in the world when he ran on #MedicareForAll / #SinglePayer #Healthcare but gave a #Republican Healthcare Plan from the same foundation of #Project2025, the #HeritageFoundation, while getting us involved in more conflicts of #war!

⚠️ At this time, the CDC cannot be relied upon.

Donald Trump's regime is preventing health related news, information, and scientific reports.
🤯 😢

You should defer to the World Health Organization, also known as "WHO" for short.

#Cdc #CentersDiseaseControl #CentersForDiseaseControl #CentersForDiseaseControlAndPrevention #WHO #WorldHealthOrganization #Medical #Health #HealthServices #Healthcare #H5N1 #BirdFlu

China’s biotech surge is reshaping the industry, with faster, cheaper drug development outpacing US firms. Factors include top scientists returning, a skilled, low-cost workforce, and streamlined regulations. Deals with firms like Hansoh Pharma and Eccogene show big pharma’s growing reliance on China. While patients benefit from global competition, US policymakers face a wake-up call to maintain America’s edge. 🧬🇨🇳
